Today, the physicians and administration at Medical Associates of the Shoals showed their appreciation for the dedication and selflessness of their staff by hosting a breakfast and red balloon celebration in their honor. Red balloons were chosen as a sign of respect for their employees as well as all workers who are continuing to do their jobs in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Brad McAnalley commented on the staff. “At our Sheffield clinic, Greenhill clinic, and Express Care Urgent Care, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been amazing cooperation and teamwork. The entire staff has worked together to make sure that our patients are cared for safely. Many employees have taken on additional responsibilities and most have made changes to the way in which they accomplish daily tasks. My partner physicians and I wanted to make sure that they know how much we appreciate them and how proud we are of them. They truly are heroes.”
Medical Associates of the Shoals is a group of six primary care physicians. Their focus is on optimizing each patient’s health by providing compassionate and quality care. In addition to their primary care practice in Sheffield, they own and manage Medical Associates of the Shoals - Greenhill, Express Care of the Shoals Urgent Care/Walk-in Clinic, and AtLast Medical Weight Loss.
The physicians are Courtney Bowen, MD; Brad McAnalley, MD, FACP; Jack McLendon, MD, FACP; Brian Richards, DO; Jeremy Thompson, MD, FAAFP; and Josh Vacik, MD, FACP.
To learn more visit www.medshoals.com or www.expresscareshoals.com.
Watch the video on YouTube as employees arrive to work, greeted by cheers.
Sheffield Office Televisits - 256-383-4447
Greenhill Office Televisits - 256-272-8066
Express Care Televisits - 256-386-7774
(This is a billable visit that is covered by Medicare and Blue Cross.)