Beginning Thursday, April 12, 2018, Express Care of the Shoals will begin offering an AtLast Medical Weight Loss program to partner with those who want to overcome the challenge of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

We know weight loss is difficult and frustrating. Almost everyone, at some point in their life, benefits from a little help losing weight. Through our physician developed and monitored program, you will experience a safe and personalized support system just for you.
First, a physician will simply talk to you about your weight loss and health goals, as well as any past experiences with weight loss programs. Next, an assessment that includes a physical evaluation will be conducted to determine your overall health. Based on the findings of your conversation with a physician and a general health overview, a customized program will be developed to guide our partnership during your entire weight loss journey.
AtLast Medical Weight Loss Provides:
• Complete consultation and physical evaluation including basic lab work and testing.
• Appetite Control Medications - a prescription strength appetite suppressant will enhance your efforts to reach a healthy weight by decreasing your desire for food and increasing your energy level.
• Injection Therapy - a safe combination of lipotropins, energy-boosting B12, other B vitamins, and antioxidants.
• Calorie Reduction, Nutrition, and Exercise Counseling.
AtLast Medical Weight Loss will improve your overall health, not just your appearance.
Losing weight can lessen the many health risks that come with extra pounds, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.
Take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. Contact us for an appointment today.